Category: Anxiety
Thank You for Gentle Breezes
As it happens, while writing this blog, I am going through yet another time of anxiety. It is very circumstantial, so I understand the reason…
May God Be Glorified in the Good Times and the Bad
This entry is long. It begins with a victory one day and catastrophe the next. You may not relate to my specific circumstance, as a…
My Grace is Sufficient for You
From the Journal . . . . August 2017 We went on the Willamette River with Christopher. It was so fun but later, the blood…
Don’t Be Afraid, Little Flock
Fear has a great stronghold on our feelings and easily transfers to our physical body.* That’s a good thing when we are in danger. The…
Emotional? Wait! Pray First.
How well do you take criticism? I bet it depends largely on who gives it and how you feel in that relationship. I wrote this…
Lord, It’s Too Hard
There have been 4 or 5 seasons in my life when I went through significant anxiety for more than a day or two. The breast…
He Calms the Storms in Mega Stress
2016-17 was the toughest year of my 20-year teaching career and my last. Over half of my class of kindergartners had behavior problems and our…
Reality has Never Equaled My Fears.
One of my major challenges with anxiety is that I typically want to thoroughly understand it and where it comes from. Before having cancer in…
Audience of One
Mid-summer was the typical time in my teaching career when I would begin to have anxiety about the upcoming school year. I know, without even…
It’s Tough Outside the Garden
Anxiety. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” This famous quote came from Franklin D. Roosevelt in his First Inaugural Address in…